privacy policy

Privacy statement

The purpose of collecting your personal information is to confirm your identity and create your membership information file, complete your transaction payment and performance guarantee services, and provide you with relevant information on our company's transaction completion services.

The main examples are as follows:

◎Use various services provided by our company

◎ When pre-ordering, purchasing, participating in prize giving, etc. activities or engaging in other transactions, regarding product delivery, service provision, price payment, responding to customer inquiries, the company's inquiries to customers, related after-sales services and other matters to complete the transaction Necessary business.

◎Provide various membership terms, announcements and other information for advertising or marketing, and provide services through emails, phone calls, sending DMs, text messages, EDM, etc.

◎Relevant information and latest partner manufacturer products. Personalize the content or advertisements viewed by customers based on the customer's personal attributes or purchase records, the browsing history of the company's website, etc., conduct analysis of customer usage of services, develop new services, or improve existing services, etc.

◎Contact customers regarding opinions on polls, activities, message boards, etc., or other service-related matters.

◎Respond to customers’ inquiries to the company via email, mail, text message, telephone or any other direct or indirect contact method.

◎ Other matters incidental to business: Use necessary to provide services to the Company incidental to the above-mentioned usage methods.

◎ Regarding the information provided by each service provider, when the customer pre-orders, purchases, participates in activities or applies for other transactions, the customer's personal information may be provided to the service provider to the extent necessary for the transaction, and the service provider shall The person responsible for managing the personal data file.

◎ We are obliged to protect the privacy of each applicant and will not modify or delete personal information and files without your consent.

◎We will never sell, exchange, or rent any of your personal information to other groups, individuals, or private companies.